Montclair Public Library invites families to enjoy stories and tales in the Swahili language!
"Paukwa Pakawa" is a Swahili phrase used to start tales which means "it came to and it happened.” Swahili is a Bantu language spoken by many people throughout East Africa. Children will have the opportunity to learn some words and phrases in the Swahili language and listen to tales in the language. Storyteller Sabina Wasonga-Gitau is a native Swahili speaker who has taught Swahili to children in many countries, and at an Explorers program in Montclair where she lives with her daughters and husband. She has performed at the UN during the World Kiswahili Day and at the Montclair Literary Festival.
Registration recommended for reminders and updates.
AGE GROUP: | Families | Children |
EVENT TYPE: | Storytime | Language | Children's Programs |
TAGS: | swahili storytime | swahili | kenya |