Learn techniques to help you tell fact from fiction. Don't get fooled again!
Over the last few years, misinformation has dominated our digital landscape. From email to social media to “news sites,” adults are inundated with images and information that have been manipulated, taken out of context or completely fabricated!
Don’t feel frustrated! Fight back!
While you may not have been born a digital native, you certainly can learn some easy digital tools and strategies to help you discern fact from fiction online!
This 1.5-hour free workshop will offer best practices taught by universities and used by journalists to help you:
· Identify five basic types of misinformation.
· Learn Lateral Reading Technique and SIFT: The two most important digital strategies to research and stop the spread of misinformation.
· Learn how and when to use fact-checking sites and reverse image searching.
This will be a hands-on class so have a computer close by so you can practice the skills as we learn. Also, digital handouts of the skills will be provided.
The workshop will be taught by Theresa Walsh Giarrusso, a journalist and former journalism professor at Arizona State University’s Walter Cronkite School of Journalism. A Montclair resident, Giarrusso worked with the Montclair School District on a year-long MFEE-sponsored News and Social Media pilot project teaching these same techniques to about 300 seventh through 10th graders. She has worked teachers around New Jersey on these skills. Giarrusso also taught digital literacy classes last fall leading up to the election through the Montclair Institute for Lifelong Learning. Giarrusso’s news and digital literacy strategies have been featured on CNN.com
This is a free event, but you must register to attend. Click on the blue "REGISTER" button at the top of the page.
All are welcome to attend.